About Us


Petra (Owner of Capricorn Ranch) and her Tennessee Walker, Elinor (aka Nori).

In 2011, my husband and I moved onto a 9 acre property in Pasco County, Florida. We hauled down from Missouri, our 3 horses, 2 pygmy goats, 2 barn cats, 3 rose-breasted cockatoos, and 3 dogs. In order to obtain our agricultural tax exemption we decided to buy a little Boer goat herd from our neighbor, 10 does just under a year old. That was the start of Capricorn Ranch.

Shortly thereafter my vet sold me a beautiful 2 week old LaBoer buckling, Jasper. For 2 years Jasper produced beautiful, well-tempered offspring which we sold mainly as pet goats. I then met and became friends with Mary Fischer of Fischer Family Farms LLC, located in Monticello Florida. I have been breeding my highest quality 50% Boer does to several of their 100% registered Boer bucks.

Most recently, I have been breeding 100% Nubian milk goats and currently have 4 breeding does.

My goal is to produce high quality animals for those seeking registered meat goats, does for startup breeding programs or show quality milk goats.